PHP Knowledge Base

Row count with PDO

fetchColumn() Example #11

$sql__count = "SELECT count(*) from $whichTable";
$stmt__count = $conn->query($sql__count);
$row__count = $stmt__count->fetchColumn();

if ( $row__count > 0 ) {
	// some 'green light' code
} else {
	// some 'red light' code

fetchColumn() Example #2

$sql__tag_ID = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $whichTable where text__eng LIKE '%$db__tag_id%'";

$stmt__tag_ID = $conn->query($sql__tag_ID);
$count__tag_ID = $stmt__tag_ID->fetchColumn();

rowCount() Example #1[2] [3]

$select = $db->prepare('SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = ?');

if ($select->rowCount() > 0) {
    //Row has been found
    //Do ......
} else {
    //No row found

see also Example of a MySQLi Object-oriented SELECT Statement