PHP Knowledge Base
OOP Examples from
Example #1
<?php class Books{ public function name(){ echo "Drupal book<br>"; } public function price(){ echo "900 Rs/-"; } } $obj = new Books(); $obj->name(); $obj->price(); ?>
Example #2
<?php class Mobile { /* Member variables */ var $price; var $title; /* Member functions */ function setPrice($par){ $this->price = $par; } function getPrice(){ echo $this->price ."<br>"; } function setName($par){ $this->title = $par; } function getName(){ echo $this->title ."<br>"; } } $Samsung = new Mobile(); $Xiaomi = new Mobile(); $Iphone = new Mobile(); $Samsung->setName( "SamsungS8" ); $Iphone->setName( "Iphone7s" ); $Xiaomi->setName( "MI4" ); $Samsung->setPrice( 90000 ); $Iphone->setPrice( 65000 ); $Xiaomi->setPrice( 15000 ); // Now you call another member functions to get the values set by in above example $Samsung->getName(); $Iphone->getName(); $Xiaomi->getName(); $Samsung->getPrice(); $Iphone->getPrice(); $Xiaomi->getPrice(); ?>
Example #3
PHP program to build a class and store the data of the mobile phones with screen size,ram,company and processor along with Constructor and function to estimate cost of phone based on conditions